Affiliates & Sponsors
a daughter's

From the sorrow of loss emerged a great desire to show how triumphant life can become. The organization was birthed in loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Lois Marie Heckstall, who after being a great mother, friend, teacher, wife, and confidant lost her battle with breast cancer at the tender age of 34.
a son's

"You can be a champion in life even when only the dreams of your mother remain."
This song was written in Honor of Lois Marie Tyson-Heckstall by her youngest son Mardell Heckstall.

Kevon was an amazing person! His life was full of service, giving and genuine love for his family and friends. Kevon lived and loved. Every place he entered his Spirit would light up the room. His smile was infectious! Read more...
As Seen on TV
They Need Your Help
The Dreams of Lois Team:
We are so excited to honor Mrs. Lois Marie Heckstall with such a magnificent organization. Peace and blessings to you all for all of your support!
Our Mission
Give all children the opportunity to thrive and grow regardless of their background...
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Fresh Gallery
Has sponsored many events and has given back to the community in various ways...
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News & Events
We believe in volunteering, feeding the hungry, toy and clothing drives, and events for the community...
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Primary Contacts
Please feel free to reach out to us and share your thoughts, concerns, and/or story...
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