how donations flow to communities

Community, Volunteering, Giving Back!
DONATE TODAY! When you donate to Dreams of Lois incorporated, you directly impact the services for children and families in need.
Get involved: Please email Ivory Cloud ( if you would like to volunteer for up-and-coming events
By giving to the Dreams of Lois organization, your donation will directly impact the development and success of children and families in the community. Dreams of Lois appreciates the partnerships with local businesses, corporations and individuals. Dreams of Lois believes in giving back to the community. We believe in volunteering in the community, feeding, and clothing the homeless, sponsoring toy and clothing drives for children in need, hosting special events at Children's healthcare of Atlanta hospital as well as events for community empowerment each year. Over the past five years, we have hosted dozens of events that benefit the community. Over the past year, we had 7 major events to benefit the community and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta hospital. The Dreams of Lois team has donated items to the mission work in Haiti and volunteered with local schools and local childcare centers in Georgia.